Rebecca Wilton

Lucie Stahl, artist feature in Camera Austria International no. 131|2015, pp. 62/63
Josephine Pryde, artist feature in Camera Austria International no. 131|2015, pp. 28/29
Jan Groover, artist feature in Camera Austria International no. 131|2015, pp. 54/55

Editor-in-chief with artist Annette Kelm for Camera Austria International, no. 131 | 2015


Excerpt from the editorial:
Our interest in Annette Kelm’s artistic activity is sustained by her continuity in making pictures, which has always drawn on her cultural environment—people, objects, artefacts never assume the function of pure indices but rather become independent arrangements, “for all those who behold her pictures tend to grapple with the motifs” (Maren Lübbke-Tidow). So it is this contradiction between literalness and mystification that, in our eyes, makes her works appear exemplary for a productive occupation with present-day contexts related to photography. Under the title “Belichtung und Farbwerte / Exposure and Chromaticity”, Annette Kelm has compiled works by artists who shed light on her own pictures or demonstrate a fundamental interest in image creation. Photography as an image-fostering medium takes centre stage here, which also becomes clear at the point where artists depart from the medium, where room in this magazine is made for drawing, collage (Judith Hopf, Henrik Olesen), painting (Sylvia Sleigh), and poetry (Josephine Pryde, Dirk von Lowtzow), which in this space attain a sense of given affinity.